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What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is an effective, direct, and efficient method to release emotional trauma. It feels like many years of therapy packed into one session or class. It is a safe way to release what needs to be released.
How does it work?
Breathwork is a breathing technique applied to a specific playlist that consists of music with lyrics that usually helps you to process your emotional pain and trauma. My playlists are usually about 50 minutes long. The first ten songs are where you apply the breathing technique. The following two songs are where you scream. I guide when to scream. The screaming are primal screams. Studies have shown that primal screaming releases endorphins in your body which helps you to self soothe. After the screaming, then you will rest and process for the next three songs. I will teach you how to do the breathing technique at the beginning of class. You want to focus on relaxed breathing. Be aware because the breathing can be laborious. NOTE: Those with lung and heart issues, mental health issues, and/or who are pregnant should always consult a doctor before trying this.
Every breathwork experience will be different especially if you have zero expectations of what the outcome will be for you.
I will be monitoring you the entire time. This is for your safety.
For my Zoom classes, you will experience different playlists. The breathwork itself is 50 minutes long with a Q & A afterwards. This Q & A is reserved for those who wish to share their process in a safe space and who want some guidance with becoming aware of what was just processed.
What makes my Zoom Breathwork classes and 1:1 sessions different from others?
My Zoom Breathwork class and 1:1 Breathwork sessions incorporate energy and breathwork together to help you become aware of what it is you need to release. I do not speak over the music during the first ten songs unless I need to address your breathing technique. Some facilitators like to speak over the music by using inspirational quotes or sayings to initiate an emotional response, but the way I do breathwork is different where I allow you to process what you need to process without me interrupting that process for you. It is difficult to process when someone is constantly speaking and interrupting key lyrical messages that you would need to process what you need to release. The music you hear is not for your enjoyment but for certain lyrics to help you process what you need to release. The energy component is something that I do that helps stuck energy to move. This helps you to release what you need to release when you are ready to release it. I also guide you through the screaming by telling you when to scream.
Things to know before doing the Breathwork:
You want your body to be relaxed during the breathwork. If you are not relaxed, then you may experience numbness around your mouth and get “lobster claws” which is where your hands become numb and locked. This is called tetany. That is when your hands get tingly, freeze up, become locked, and cannot move. The same happens to the mouth. This happens because there is an over-saturation of oxygen in the body and the muscles in the body are tense. It is similar to hyperventilating. We feel dizzy, our extremities and mouth feel tingly and numb, and lock up when we hyperventilate. It is the same exact biophysical response. The symptoms are very similar.
When you do the breathwork, your body and your breath are relaxed. Do not force your breath. Forcing the breath does not mean you have a better emotional release. You will have a more effective emotional release if you are relaxed and do not force your inhalation and exhalation process. The way I describe the breathing technique for breathwork is a repetitive three-part breathing process: 1) breathe in through the mouth from the belly and briefly hold, 2) breathe in through the mouth from the chest and briefly hold, and 3) exhale the air out of the mouth without controlling the exhalation. You do not breathe through your nose at any point during breathwork. Every inhalation and exhalation is through the mouth.
You will be lying down on your back for breathwork. You do not need to be completely still during the breathwork. You can move your arms and legs but you cannot get up to use the restroom or get up during the breathwork. Make sure you use the facilities right before your session or class. Remember, you do not want any kind of tension when doing the breathwork. You are not trying to control the outcome of your exhalation. Let go of your air naturally.
When you are relaxed and properly breathing this breathwork technique, coupled with a great musical playlist, a readiness to primal scream, and an intention to what you want to release in the session or class, you will have a remarkable emotional releasing experience.
After the session or class, drink 16 oz. of plain water (flat, not sparkling) within the hour. Rest for the duration of the day if possible. You may feel sore and/or tired for the next couple of days. Eat clean (no fast or processed foods) for the next couple of days.
What you need to participate:
Laptop or tablet that is propped up. It would be best not to use your smartphone to do the class or session. If you do, your phone can accidentally fall over or you may receive an incoming call and I can no longer monitor you. The laptop or tablet needs to be set up so that I can see your side profile from your abdomen to your head. I do not need to see your legs. This is to monitor your breathing to see you are doing it correctly and safely.
Bluetooth speaker or connect to your soundbar. You can also use headphones or Airpods. You can use your laptop speaker as a last resort. The music has to be loud enough and you want to turn it up. Don’t use the smartphone’s speaker to listen to the music because the sound won’t be loud enough and it won’t be as effective.
Use a pillow to scream into. Place it right next to you so you can easily access it when it is time to scream.
A throw blanket in case you get cold during the breathwork as the body temperature can lower. It can also increase so you can always take the blanket off if you need to during the breathwork.
Box of tissues.
A washcloth to cover your eyes with or you can use an eye sleep mask.
Keep pets out of the room as they can disrupt your process.
Everything here is an excerpt from my book, Kill the Herpesviruses: Release, Restore, and Renew from Illness to Recovery, Health and Wellness available on Amazon.
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