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What is Reiki? Can anyone receive Reiki energy?


Reiki is an effective tool for physical and emotional recovery. It is using energy to restore cells in the body and emotional health. In the last 50 years, scientific research shows that reiki works. It is so effective that the top U.S. hospitals are now offering it as an integrative and complementary therapy program because of published peer-reviewed studies showing positive effective results. What was gathered from these studies is how reiki is a safe and gentle therapy that activates the parasympathetic nervous system to help the body recover physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Reiki does not help to cure illnesses or genetic conditions but it is a complementary therapeutic tool in helping with health conditions. Anyone can receive reiki energy. 

How does it work?


All Reiki sessions and classes are through Zoom. Reiki does not need to be hands-on or in-person. It is possible to transfer the energy through Distant reiki. I only do Distant reiki. I am able to send reiki to anyone around the world and to as many people. The classes are 90-minutes long with a full hour of reiki. There is a Q & A afterwards to share your experiences in a safe space.

Things to know before doing Reiki:


There is nothing you need to do or prepare for reiki. You will be lying down on a bed or couch. If you prefer to utilize the floor, you may but you want to be as comfortable as possible. Use pillows and a blanket for your comfort.


The most common experiences clients have shared are feeling waves of energy, heat or a menthol-like sensation in certain areas, various colors (green, yellow, blue, purple, gray, white, pink, or red), relaxation, sleep, visions, and seeing loved ones.


Improvements in health and wellness are experienced with repeated sessions and/or group classes. Reiki is not effective as a one and done. You need to have repeated sessions for it to be effective. You do not need to do it every week. You can do it every other week or once a month for maintenance. 


Drink 16 oz. of plain water (flat, not sparking) within the hour after the session or class. Try and rest for the remainder of the day. Eat clean (no fast or processed foods) for the next couple of days. 

What you need to participate:


  • Laptop or tablet propped up where I can see you from the abdomen up. You can use the speakers on your laptop or tablet.  You can also use Airpods or headphones. You do not need a bluetooth speaker unless you want to use it.

  • Bed, couch or floor to lie down.

  • Pillow to support your head.

  • Blanket as your body temperature can lower.

  • Pets are okay if they will be calm and lie down with you. If not, please put them in another room.


Everything here is an excerpt from my book, Kill the Herpesviruses: Release, Restore, and Renew from Illness to Recovery, Health and Wellness available on Amazon.

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